External Resources
Useful documents and websites
This page includes links to a variety of external resources including examples of smoking cessation services, NICE guidelines, reports from professional bodies and useful websites.
QUIT Programme - a hospital-based stop smoking service in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research.
The Ottawa Model of Smoking Cessation - the Ottawa model for smoking cessation (OMSC) is the main exemplar for a systematic approach to tobacco dependence treatment delivered within healthcare settings, and has been integrated within over 120 hospitals across Canada.
CURE - the CURE pilot project was based on applying the OMSC within an inpatient setting in one specific hospital (Wythenshawe Hospital) in Manchester, UK (electronic screening of all patients to identify those who smoke; the provision of brief advice and pharmacotherapy by frontline staff; opt-out referral of patients identified as smokers to a specialist team for inpatient behavioural interventions; and continued support after discharge).
Hiding in plain sight: Treating tobacco dependency in the NHS - a report by the Royal College of Physicians which demonstrates that clinicians working in almost all areas of medicine will see their patients' problems improved by quitting smoking, and that systematic intervention is a cost-effective means of both improving health and reducing demand on NHS services.
NICE (PH48): Smoking: acute, maternity and mental health services
NICE guideline (NG92): Stop smoking interventions and services
Smoking cessation and smokefree policies: Good practice for mental health services National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT), March 2018